Yet another blunder by our politicians.. but for the first time the educated class came forward. I know just writing online against the reservation will not stop these vote-hungry political parties and their leaders since they want more illitrate people who would vote for them for a botel of alchohol.

Anyways now that even the Supreme Court is with them (as it seems like) we seem to have no place go.
It's really not the matter of being General or SC or ST or OBC or any other caste... look at the politicians... whichever caste or religion they are.. there exists only one religion for them Politics and Money. And for these two things they will not stop until the entire country burns in the flames of these illogical religion/caste wars. Now when they (Politicians) saw that there are not much religious fights going on lets bring a fresh war within the society.
I appeal to you all to stay united and stop sending SMSs against SC/ST/OBC or General... instead, if you are really faithful to your country you will send messages/e-mails against these politicians and not against our fellow citizens.
You can also go to the followng Yahoo! Answers to give out your opinion:
What do you think can solve the so called Reservation problem in India?

Anyways now that even the Supreme Court is with them (as it seems like) we seem to have no place go.
It's really not the matter of being General or SC or ST or OBC or any other caste... look at the politicians... whichever caste or religion they are.. there exists only one religion for them Politics and Money. And for these two things they will not stop until the entire country burns in the flames of these illogical religion/caste wars. Now when they (Politicians) saw that there are not much religious fights going on lets bring a fresh war within the society.
I appeal to you all to stay united and stop sending SMSs against SC/ST/OBC or General... instead, if you are really faithful to your country you will send messages/e-mails against these politicians and not against our fellow citizens.
You can also go to the followng Yahoo! Answers to give out your opinion:
What do you think can solve the so called Reservation problem in India?
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