Celebrating 59 years of India's Independence

Sunday, July 30, 2006

US has double standards for even the most sensitive issues

A train blast in Mumbai kills approximately 200 Indians and injures hundreds others. The reaction from the apparent Superpower (The great USA) is that India must show restraint in its actions and urges for a political solution to the Kashmir problem. On the other hand of the globe in the same evening 6 Israeli soldiers are killed and 2 captured by Islamic terrorists. Israel prepares for a full front attack on Lebanese settlements and the same superpower says that the terrorists should be delt with a firm and iron hand. Is it true that just because the population of India is more than 1billion, the value of a human life in India is that much less as compared to an American, British, Israeli or any other European life. North Korea test fires a missile and the US moves a Battle Carrier group to the Pacific Ocean!!!!!!!!!!!.

The right to self defend should lie with every individual and country. It is high time that all of us as patriotic Indians do not take this thing lying down and ensure that each of us in their individual capacity spread this message of injustice across the world. For the death of 45 British citizens in a similar bomb blast last year, it was a world wide tragedy on CNN, while for yesterdays event the quote on CNN was "in their fight over disputed Kashmir" the two countries (Pakistan & India) should look for apolitical solution. May we all ask where was the political solution when the IRA wanted a separate homeland, and closer to the date where is the political solution in Iraq. Kashmir was, Kashmir is and Kashmir will continue to be an integral part of our motherland. Let us all Indians pledge not to be governed by vested interests in US Foreign Policy and take our own destiny in our hands. Please pass this mail to as many Indians as you can across the globe and let the message of injustice spread. Not passing the message will not bring any bad luck or misfortune to any individual; just will speak volumes about your commitment towards the motherland.

contributed by Sachin

What are your views??

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Injustice to the bloggers!!

This is with regards to the programme on Saturday 22 July 2006 on the issue of blocking various websites and blogs.

While I do believe that the intension was not wrong from the Indian govt. side the procedure was. I do not agree with Jayanti Natarajan's view which sounded far from reality, dimining and provocative, the other speakers presented quite a realistic views. I think that if even after 8-10 yrs of internet, our ruling parties have not understood it properly (since the govt. spokesperson said internet is a new medium!!??) it should just quit or say that it cannot tackle the issue in public. It may also be because they have always been too slow and were busy making money while the rest of India moved ahead in technology.

Why we use blogs?
The reason why blogs protest exists against govt or some political party are because of govt. faliure to convince people. Today people who have the access to internet can atleast share there views to fellow citizens. Petitions and polls flood the web against injustice, reservation, and against cases that the court of law fails to provide justice to and those where an influencial politician commited a murder but is left free.

Suggestion to the government
If the Govt. is commited towards finding a solution (which I very much doubt) then firstly it sould not act in a haphazzered manner. Freedom of speech should not be taken away from the citizens, be it RTI or blogs/websites. We should have a basic infrastructure just like the US, EU and other advanced nations against this so called "New Medium". We already have NIC which looks into all the governmental websites and online stuff. Why not empower this excellent and technologically advanced agency to a bigger role in the country. There work should be extended then just a govt. server and data management company. I have seen and I am sure they have the capacity and the required skills. Why not expand this agency and create a special wing to have a more coordinate operations with the Police, to act as a hub of knowledge or act as a central agency in monitoring such content and websites potentially dangerous in affecting the psyche of the common man or people of one or more religion/caste.

If the govt. is unable to do this by itself it can take help from the Indian private sector who already have specialized knowledge on the subject.

At the end we can only dream of a better India where no such henious attacks occur and the common man is made proud of its govt. (ha ha ha... the last words seem to be some jokes, I know but whats the harm in dreaming??)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mumbai victims are not normal... but is hyped by the media to sell cheap news

Who says our beloved Mumbai has normalised??
Ask the families who are still searching for their loved ones or who have just read the list of deceesed outside various hospitals.

Photo from TV (IBN News)– Source Wikipedia
The reality is that people are in such disgust with the entire blame-game system and the overall disrespect towards a common man's life that the fighting spirit has faded away. There is no fighting spirit and lack of choice. Everyday people in Metros face immence pressure for survival. What would you do or rather what can you do if such an incident occurs and god forbit someone our own is a party to it. Even if we find these terrorists, will the decessed come back? Or with such inhuman acts of terror will they get their so called 'Jannat'? India is a secular country and we respect every culture, thus we know that no culture allows such inhumane acts of terror.

Media's role here:
While we do acknowledge the technological advancements of telecomunication and fast information exchange, the dark side of endorsing news has become a regular feature. Media today, has become so cheap that it would do almost anything to sell news. Different versions, different conclusions and different observations. Here in Delhi, headlines in one paper reads FEARLESS MUMBAI while other says HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE TAKE. The reality is that we Indians know we have no choice but to move on.

The not too long ago bombings in Sarojani Nagar Market in New Delhi is unforgettable and not to forget the Srinagar bombings on the day just few hours before Mumbai's incident.

The media showed the Mumbai part of the unfortunate event, but forgot Srinagar which gives our country the same amount of pain as Mumbai's incident. But why would the media show this, they only want to sell news and that's what they are good at... moulding news in such a way that people can think of nothing but there version.

Some foreign media who possibily can't figure out the stupidness of linking the attacks to the Kashmir dispute wrote numerous articles - both online and offline. One such media house is BBC which wrote all about the incident. Read what BBC quoted. When similar incident hit London, the entire city was mourning. But we will not consider ourselves equal to these brits, simply because we have a far bigger country to manage and are far more couragious then them. After all, this is what they gave us in return of our independence.

Mumbai train, picture taken from BBC websiteMumbai people
Though this is not the first time but certainly shows the willingness of people to adapt and react to adverse situations. One of my uncle who heard the loud explosion at his home in Bandra, Mumbai rushed to spot to help. The 2-3 hours that we just watched news and sat beside the phone to connect at least ones to our relatives in Mumbai, were traumatic.

Pakistan's stand
Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, the current Foreign Minister of Pakistan told in his recent visit to the US that the 'so called Kashmir dispute' was responsible for this incident. But that is between Pakistan and India, does that mean that Pakistan had planted these bombs in the MTS in Mumbai?? Such disgusting remarks can only be heard from some country as low as Pakistan.

one can clearly understand that nothing can justify such inhuman acts of terror on innocent people. Every single millitant including the famous Don Dawood Ibrahim resides in Pakistan.. media has numerous pictures of him and other Let, JeM & other millitant outfits and Pakistan's ISI agency is helping them get US asd UK made weapons and training so they can attack the west and mainly India.

How can the people of pakistan even sleep in peace with so much blood on there hands. These pakistani nationals or should we call them terrorists- are too much of a disgust on the face of the world. Such millitent nation should be eleminated but instead of this or instead of installing a solid democratic setup in the country, US is considering giving them more F16 just because India has been considered for Civilian Nuclear defence partnership. While India being a responsible nation and had its nuclear programme from self development, Pakistan had only taken or rather stolen the technology from some China or Korea to use it against India.

It took me too much time to even think how to write my thoughts this time. Today I just saw that there are other people who share the same views as mine so I wrote my blog. That's the only thing left I guess a common man can do these days.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Delhi hit with the worst ever power crunch in the hands of private players

After the entire city is facing actute power shortage for almost two-three weeks, the Delhi government is doing nothing except organising meetings and announcing there verdict on the power crises. The date of relief has been again shifted further to July 12 when suppositely, Delhi is about to get 500 MW of power (God knows how from wher). Some media agencies claimed that even if the govt. buys power from Gujarat, MP and Orissa, all the grid lines are already booked by other states for additional power. So how will the Delhi govt. materialize what it has promised is still a magic-to be seen.

The main problem which came in the papers a few days ago is that the power ministey or the people who manage it - had delayed in thinking and not booked the grid (as the other states did) and now even if we buy power, where is the grid that will bring it in???

Now the govt. is telling people about the rain that is going to hit Delhi soon... what a relief to the power crises!! (though it has just started raining today - July 9 at about 9:30-10.00 am), At least god is with us if not our own government.

For a detailed article, please log on to epaper.hindustantimes.com (July 9, 2006)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ramadoss: a journey from politician to doctor slayer

AIIMS which has long been the last hope of most hope-lost patients is today a subject of public laughter.

From poaking his nose in doctor's work and subsequently ordering a scan into AIIMS functioning, to asking for votes against Dr. P.Venugopal. All because doctors from AIIMS went against the reservation of extended 27% OBC quota. With this, Ramadoss has added a new dimension in the vote-bank politics.

Various News channels have clearly stated that Ramadoss wants Venugopal out since- first he wants his own men inside AIIMS and second - Venugopal had supported the non-reservation drive by doctors and Ramadoss is a minority leader.

Since you guys wanted me to collate some information on Ramadoss and his name suddenly making the headlines, here's a history how he came into politics:

From a sectarian leader, Ramadoss has come a long way (Rediff)
No one possibly took him seriously when he launched himself as a political messiah of sorts for the most backward (MBC) Vanniar community, which is concentrated mostly in northern Tamil Nadu, but spread out up to central and western fringes of the core area, as well.

Politicians dismissed him as a 'nuisance' at best, and to the ordinary man on the street, he headed a disorganised band of ruffians who would chop of roadside trees and block transport, or burn the buses -- all, to send out a political message.

Read full story at the Rediff site.

An online article in the Hindustan Times reads as follows:
Venugopal camp thwarts minister’s move
Vidya Krishnan
New Delhi, June 17, 2006

It’s virtually a war of nerves at the country’s most prestigious hospital.

On Saturday, Union health minister Anbumani Ramadoss tried to foist his appointee as acting director but the AIIMS administration was quick to scuttle the attempt.

Read full article at the Hindustan Times website.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Finally!! Aid comes for Vidarbha Farmers... but in ENGLISH !!

Now I have learnt... some should die... others should prepare to die, and then only would our PM listen!

Alongwith the waiver of Rs 172 cr overdue earlier, they get Rs 1,300 crore of agricultural credit - after nearly three years!

They're setting up a group to look into the problem of rural indebtedness. Which actually means, THESE PEOPLE ALONG WITH OTHERS IN THE GOVT. WILL TRANSFER THESE FUNDS TO THEIR SAFE CUSTODY OF THEIR PERSONAL ACCOUNTS (abroad).

After nearly 59 years, what have the govt. done anyways. I remember we read in school that we are a agriculture dominent country. Whatever happened to that I don't know But I do know now that our ministers have in their personal a/cs even more money than as our entire annual defence budget!! What will they do with such a large amount, create a new small-time nation for themselves and become kings???

One dosen't know how or where the money came from, another dosen't know anything about the Rs 500 cr Taj corridoor scam!! Where the hell is the country going.

And how could I not mention Ramadoss, the Health minister who says he is entitled to stay in a Five star hotel which could've costed approx Rs 40 lakhs, and that he has done a big "Ahsaan" on AIIMS, that he stayed in there Guest House and ordered a brand new 29" color TV and sofa and entire rang of furniture???

After all - this is our freeking money, the taxpayers money, you are spending!!

HT's drive against bribe begins...
Highlighting importance of the RTI act and some facts.

Should Afzal be given mercy?
Leave it to the President
I don't care

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