Who says our beloved Mumbai has normalised??
Ask the families who are still searching for their loved ones or who have just read the list of deceesed outside various hospitals.
The reality is that people are in such disgust with the entire blame-game system and the overall disrespect towards a common man's life that the fighting spirit has faded away. There is no fighting spirit and lack of choice. Everyday people in Metros face immence pressure for survival. What would you do or rather what can you do if such an incident occurs and god forbit someone our own is a party to it. Even if we find these terrorists, will the decessed come back? Or with such inhuman acts of terror will they get their so called 'Jannat'? India is a secular country and we respect every culture, thus we know that no culture allows such inhumane acts of terror.
Media's role here:While we do acknowledge the technological advancements of telecomunication and fast information exchange, the dark side of endorsing news has become a regular feature. Media today, has become so cheap that it would do almost anything to sell news. Different versions, different conclusions and different observations. Here in Delhi, headlines in one paper reads FEARLESS MUMBAI while other says HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE TAKE. The reality is that we Indians know we have no choice but to move on.
The not too long ago bombings in Sarojani Nagar Market in New Delhi is unforgettable and not to forget the Srinagar bombings on the day just few hours before Mumbai's incident.
The media showed the Mumbai part of the unfortunate event, but forgot Srinagar which gives our country the same amount of pain as Mumbai's incident. But why would the media show this, they only want to sell news and that's what they are good at... moulding news in such a way that people can think of nothing but there version.
Some foreign media who possibily can't figure out the stupidness of linking the attacks to the Kashmir dispute wrote numerous articles - both online and offline. One such media house is BBC which wrote all about the incident.
Read what BBC quoted. When similar incident hit London, the entire city was mourning. But we will not consider ourselves equal to these brits, simply because we have a far bigger country to manage and are far more couragious then them. After all, this is what they gave us in return of our independence.
Mumbai peopleThough this is not the first time but certainly shows the willingness of people to adapt and react to adverse situations. One of my uncle who heard the loud explosion at his home in Bandra, Mumbai rushed to spot to help. The 2-3 hours that we just watched news and sat beside the phone to connect at least ones to our relatives in Mumbai, were traumatic.
Pakistan's standKhurshid Mahmud Kasuri, the current Foreign Minister of Pakistan told in his recent visit to the US that the 'so called Kashmir dispute' was responsible for this incident. But that is between Pakistan and India,
does that mean that Pakistan had planted these bombs in the MTS in Mumbai?? Such disgusting remarks can only be heard from some country as low as Pakistan.
one can clearly understand that nothing can justify such inhuman acts of terror on innocent people. Every single millitant including the famous Don Dawood Ibrahim resides in Pakistan.. media has numerous pictures of him and other Let, JeM & other millitant outfits and Pakistan's ISI agency is helping them get US asd UK made weapons and training so they can attack the west and mainly India.
How can the people of pakistan even sleep in peace with so much blood on there hands. These pakistani nationals or should we call them terrorists- are too much of a disgust on the face of the world. Such millitent nation should be eleminated but instead of this or instead of installing a solid democratic setup in the country, US is considering giving them more F16 just because India has been considered for Civilian Nuclear defence partnership. While India being a responsible nation and had its nuclear programme from self development, Pakistan had only taken or rather stolen the technology from some China or Korea to use it against India.
It took me too much time to even think how to write my thoughts this time. Today I just saw that there are other people who share the same views as mine so I wrote my blog. That's the only thing left I guess a common man can do these days.