Extremist views within UK

UK has always tried to be a hub for everything, and now it has one more thing - but this time it needs to worry. A frontpage story in the Times International published on 9 Aug. 2006 claims that 23% of Muslims in the UK, mostly under the age of 24 think that London bombings was justified. They hate the freedom they live in and want the Sharia law, public punishments on streets by stones prevailing in large parts of the Middle East. They also dream of converting Britain one day into an Islamic state. May God bless Tony Blair.
Does this mean that one of the world's so-called democratic setup, which also implemented a similar robust democratic system in India, is now under attack?? And that too by some of it's own, homemade terrorists!! The particular youth in question here has studied from various UK universities but still they dream of a savage and uncivilized world. Pitty!!
It's a pitty that those who had helped terrorism to blossom in it's initial stages (like CIA helping Mujjahiddins or something against Russia but supplying arms) are now the sufferers. Be it America or the UK - they are all the same and now they are all the targets themselves. While US uses double standards for justifying terrorism in different parts of the world, I believe that nothing can justify killing, no religion, no law, nothing...
While walking in CP I heard some one say (just after the Mumbai blasts) that look at India, all communities here live with harmony minus the anti-social support from our neighbor, why can't that neighbor just try to stabilize the situation in his own homeland, why waste money and time on us?? It's so pathetic, children and other people from there come to India for treatment since they don't have the best facilities there, why don't they invest the charity money that comes from US or the World Bank to solve the basic needs of the common man??
It's also because of the lack of basic democratic infrastructure which is very weak and which we have seen in the history and even now, when Mush is steering the nation and elections are nowhere in sight.
Recently on NDTV's Big Fight, a representative from Pakistan said this is there internal matter and India shouldn't interfere!! Well then why do u interface on our land. Why don't u understand that Bangladesh was not because of India but because of your political neglect and atrocities on the people there. India had to take this extreme step only because too many refugees were coming to India from East Pakistan who were fed up with the life under the atrocities of the politically powerful Sunnis, then...
Too bad that Pakistan hasn't grown up and it still lives in the old and sick psyche and in turn is infecting the entire world now!! I would just hope that US and UK would just grow up or wake up some day and think what they are doing by supporting this millitant state!!
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